By Danny Taylor

September 7, 2023

Present day, Hill Valley, California

    It's a gorgeous fall day in Hill Valley! The sun shines brightly, and the sky is a beautiful turquoise blue. Chase Taylor, a young surfer in his twenties, cruises in his new white Tesla, which he purchased just a week ago. He's belting out a 90s rock tune and feeling great. Chase turns into the parking lot of the Hill Valley Thrift Store, one of his favorite places to hunt for treasures to sell online. He parks near the entrance, jumps out, and heads inside with a skip in his step.

The store is very busy today, probably because it's Tuesday and there's a 25% sale. Chase is a familiar face at this store and he sees a few other regulars. "Hey, Chase," one of the employees greets him with a smile as she passes by. "Good morning," he replies warmly. Grabbing a shopping basket at the entrance, he sets off to explore the aisles. He checks out the CDs and gives the vinyl records a quick look. Not finding anything that catches his eye, he moves on. After a brief detour through the toy section, he comes up empty-handed.

After browsing a few aisles, he suddenly spots something shiny on the bottom shelf. It's an intriguing handmade electronic device with old wires hanging out and an inscription that reads "E. Brown 1955". The neon orange price tag shows $19.99. Chase tries using Google Lens on his phone to identify the item but has no luck - Lens couldn't find a match. He shrugs, decides to purchase it, and puts it in his basket.

He keeps searching for a few more minutes, but without any luck. After checking out, he leaves the store feeling satisfied. Placing the bag on the passenger seat, he speeds off. Suddenly, a catchy 80s song by Huey Lewis comes on the radio, and Chase can't help but put on his sunglasses and smile.
